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Sun Xun Sean Kelly Gallery

Installation view of We Chat: A Dialogue in Contemporary Chinese Art, Asia Society, Houston, Texas. Photography: Alex Barber.

WeChat is a mobile messaging app, developed in China, with more than 600 million users worldwide. Combining the functions of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, WeChat has become the primary means of communication for members of China's younger generation, now living and working throughout the world.

This emphasis on global communication transcending local culture is the key focus of the exhibition, We Chat: A Dialogue in Contemporary Chinese Art, which brings together 10 young Chinese artists, some still based in mainland China and others living abroad. All of these artists were born after 1976, a watershed year that marks both Mao Zedong's death and the end of the Cultural Revolution. As such, these artists have enjoyed a more liberalized environment growing up in China with more freedom and opportunities than the previous generation of Chinese artists. Also, these young people are products of the opening up of China and its rapidly expanding economy over the past three decades, which has allowed them more access to information about international art movements and expanded career advantages than their teachers and mentors had. For more information, please visit