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Sun Xun in Artificial Intelligence and Intercultural Dialogue

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, and The State Hermitage Museum will present an exhibition “Artificial Intelligence and Intercultural Dialogue” dedicated to the creative capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Russia’s first major international art exhibition exploring AI’s role in modern will open on June 6th, the first day of SPIEF, and will be a part of the forum’s cultural program.

Most of the pieces in the exhibition are a result of creative processing by large AI algorithms. 

The exhibition at the Hermitage is RDIF’s new initiative, aimed at promoting dialogue between cultures. It builds on earlier successful cultural endeavors by the fund, including organizing concerts from the Mariinsky orchestra and a Russian avant-guard art exhibition in Saudi Arabia in 2019, in partnership with Saudi Aramco and the Kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund Public Investment Fund (PIF).

Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), noted:

“The development of intercultural dialogue is RDIF’s important long-term mission. This exhibition is our new initiative aimed at promoting this dialogue and creating the trust needed for successful trade and investment. For this exhibition we brought together artists of different nationalities, all of whom are using AI technologies. We are able to witness a new form of art being created. We hope that people from different nations will find it easier to understand each other through this art of the future. We are very pleased that the exhibition of the world’s best AI art is taking place during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum at the Hermitage, one of the most renowned museums in the world. This exhibition reiterates Russia’s cultural and technological leadership.”

Mikhail Piotrovsky, CEO of The State Hermitage, said:

“The Hermitage Museum always welcomes the experiments where art and science demonstrate their similarities and readiness to enrich each other. The artistic exploration of Artificial Intelligence continues the important process of humanization of science”.