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Marina Abramović elected to the National Academy

Marina Abramović has been elected to the National Academy, a prestigious association of esteemed artists and architects committed to building and sharing the heritage of the arts in America. Elected annually by the full body of over 300 National Academicians, new members are recognized for their contributions to contemporary American art and architecture. In addition to Marina Abramović, the 2013 Academicians are: artists Vito Acconci, Dotty Attie, Alice Aycock, Mark Bradford, Barkley L. Hendricks, Christian Marclay, James Rosenquist, Lorna Simpson, Sarah Sze, Barbara Takenaga, Carrie Mae Weems, Fred Wilson; and architects David Adjaye, Paul Broches, Kate Orff, William Pedersen, Renzo Piano, and Moshe Safdie.

The new members will be inducted in a special ceremony on October 29, 2013 at the National Academy. National Academicians are central to the Academy's mission of promoting art and architecture in America. Each Academician contributes a representative work upon election. These works gifted by Academicians, spanning the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, form the Academy's ever-evolving permanent collection of over 7,000 art works, as well as architectural drawings, photographs, and models. The complete historic roster of Academicians includes over 2,000 artists and architects dating back to the Academy's founding in 1825.

For more information on the National Academy, please visit the National Academy's website.

Image: Marina Abramović Photo: Laura Ferrari