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Leandro Erlich in The Confines of the Great Void

He claims to be an artist working in between reality and imagination. He centers his work around reality, symbols and underlying meanings. He is full of imagination, good at subverting the normality and rethinking his expressional techniques,and favors the action of breaking reality by constructing and deconstructing scenarios. He is Argentine artist Leandro Erlich. 

Spanning 25 years of Erlich’s oeuvre, showcasing 20 large-scale interactive installations, the exhibition brings an all-round participatory art experience for the audience. Truth becomes fiction when the fiction’s true; Real becomes unreal when the unreal is real. (假作真时真亦假,无为有处有还无。) In the state of void, oneness and tranquility (虚壹而静), our senses resonate and transcend reality, and arrive at the “Confines of the Great Void."

Erlich created a new version of Building for this exhibition. It is inspired by the classic shop signs and outer firewalls in Chinatown. The entity that is originally far away from China is now placed in the Chinese capital city. The approach embodies the eternal distance between representation and essence, and how we easily accept a traveler’s impression of a city or a culture.

These works are a narrative unfolded in the public realm. By stories visually constructed from daily life, the artist awakens re-examination of daily scenes. They come from reality, share experience, develop a new style that breaks people’s stereotypes. The situation created by Erlich can trigger the audience’s visual thinking, which further evokes a new way to process the world, which intertwines their on-site feelings and directs to a new reality.