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Leandro Erlich in Racing the Galaxy


The capital will once more become a hub for contemporary art June 7-Aug. 10 during Astana Art Show 2019 at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation and Palace of Independence, reported the city akimat (administration) press service. International art exhibition Racing the Galaxy will launch July 4, in which 40 Kazakh artists and those from 15 countries, including Argentina, China, Cuba, France, Korea, Italy, Madagascar, Turkey and the United States, will present their work. Astana Art Show 2019 is organized by Artios Art Advisory and the city akimat and curated by TSE Art Destination, Artios Art Advisory Founder Dina Baitassova and French art critic and director of contemporary art institutions Jérôme Sans. Baitassova and Sans hope to convey a message of artistic freedom and nomadic spirit.