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Laurent Grasso in Where Must We Go

We are still chasing a virus that mutates at an alarming rate in a world dominated by COVID- 19. The connection between humans was severed and social relations had no choice but to change. Going through setbacks and overcoming, reconnecting human relationships, looking back on and reorganizing your life so far, and at the same time acting more actively toward the future. Where Must We Go was planned while being aware of this movement in which a new world order system is being built. The exhibition reminds us of the French philosopher Bruno Latour (1947-2022) in the midst of a global crisis that occurred simultaneously in ecology, environment, and society, and breaks away from the human-centered dualistic worldview to explore human and non-human, nature and culture, and nature and nature. It is a place to look at a common world that cannot be clearly divided by artificial lights. [Translated from Korean]