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Laurent Grasso in Vers le Ciel


The human being, "vertical quadruped" (1) is stretched upwards, standing up. His first business was to erect the longest and heaviest stones. Even today this principle of erection / elevation - from the earth to the sky - lives in the videos and installations of this exhibition.

Laurent Grasso's video "The Birds" unfolds the infinite meanders of flights of stooges in the sky of Rome, above the cupolas of the Vatican, at sunset. Chromo Saint Sulpician, irruption of the sacred, hovering hypnotism ? Above all, powerful expression of the feeling that "the human is scattered along a scale that goes from molecules to stars"
(1) Roger Caillois 
(2) Marguerite Yourcenar about Caillois' assertion "les stones contain one of the secret figures of the universe " 
(3) Marguerite Yourcenar," The man who loved stones " 

"(...) The uprisings of nature, sometimes considered as 
divine manifestations, hallucinations, paranormal phenomena, 
natural disasters: flights of birds, eclipses, burning clouds, 
meteorites, that Laurent Grasso transposes like obsessive leitmotivs, 
question our sense of reality in its relation to the history of technology 
Between fascination and anxiety, dreamlike and documentary rigor, 
games of short-circuiting time, the works of Laurent Grasso, 
seem to want to restore the memory of the disappeared things, 
beliefs and representations that have shaped the history of 
man to better question our degree of presence in the world
current, where science and technology, machines of reason, seem 
so little case of mystery and darkness. "(Clara Guislain)