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Two more exhibitions of the cycle “Museum of Obsessions”, conceived and programmed for the CAV by Ana Anacleto and that will take place during the years of 2020 and 2021. The collective exhibition “SPECTRUM. Collection of Visual Arts Center / Photography Meetings ”and the individual“ Cápsula ”by Pedro Henriques continue the cycle started in February and seek to deepen the premises of the conceptual proposal defined by the curator. The cycle of exhibitions “Museu das Obsessões”, based on an idea of ​​freedom and transversality, recovers a concept created by Harald Szeemann, in the early 70s, which intended to house all kinds of initiatives arising from his contemporary artistic practices, exploring free form (outside of institutional constraints) all of its presentation possibilities. Pointing out the CAV's special character - as a space for presentation, study and reflection on artistic practices linked to the use and creation of image (and particularly photography) - and greatly valuing the historical relationship it has with the Photography Meetings, it intends with this cycle, recreate a spirit of freedom, promoting the crossing between the various disciplinary areas, paying special attention to artists whose practice is affirmed in a relationship resulting from image issues but whose activity is located in a frontier territory, with formal manifestations and conceptual that go beyond disciplinary typologies (photography, video, sculpture, painting, performance, etc.). We are interested in the particularities, idiosyncrasies and individual mythologies, and it is in this sense that we propose a set of exhibitions dedicated to artists (national and international) whose practice has been shown to define an extraordinarily idiosyncratic relationship both with the enjoyment of the image and with its production. The cycle of exhibitions “Museu das Obsessões” then consists of the presentation of eight exhibitions in the year 2020, under the theme of Spectrum and eight exhibitions in the year 2021, under the theme of Vertigo. Themes common to the history of the image, the history of photographic production, imagery thinking and the creative act itself. The cycle of exhibitions “Museu das Obsessões” then consists of the presentation of eight exhibitions in the year 2020, under the theme of Spectrum and eight exhibitions in the year 2021, under the theme of Vertigo. Themes common to the history of the image, the history of photographic production, imagery thinking and the creative act itself. The cycle of exhibitions “Museu das Obsessões” then consists of the presentation of eight exhibitions in the year 2020, under the theme of Spectrum and eight exhibitions in the year 2021, under the theme of Vertigo. Themes common to the history of the image, the history of photographic production, imagery thinking and the creative act itself.