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Julião Sarmento Sean Kelly Gallery

This show integrates a representative selection of works by Portuguese artists, performed in Portugal and abroad, alongside several pieces by international artists. The exhibition spans the three main galleries of the building, and on each floor there is a chronological progression, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. Each floor is also dedicated to a specific artistic language: paper on the floor 01, painting on the floor 1 and sculpture on the main floor. As the title suggests - Portugal in Flagrante - we now know more about Portugal and its history in relation to the Collection.

Developed over the last few months and built in 3 different moments, this presentation is completed in March 2017 with the inauguration of Operation 3 . This third moment occupies the main nave of the Modern Collection building with a significant set of works of sculpture, installation, film and some two-dimensional works. The chronological presentation will be dynamized by differences of scale and plastic language quite pronounced, by a path made fluid and intertwined in a tendentially open space, and by punctually pertinent relations between the two and three dimensions. Among the artists represented are works by Leopoldo de Almeida, Francisco Franco, Canto da Maya, Marcelino Vespeira, Hein Semke, Jorge Vieira, José Pedro Croft, Juliao Sarmento and Miguel Palma.

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