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Julian Charrière in Entangle/Physics and Artistic Practice

Black holes, dark matter, gravity, space, time and motion - these are phenomena that fascinate scientists and artists alike. Entangle / Physics and the Artistic Imaginationpresents painting, installation, fashion design, sculpture, film, digital artwork and photography inspired by the science which reveals the fundamental forces that shape our world.

As curator of the exhibition, Bildmuseet has invited Ariane Koek, founder of the Arts at CERN programme at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. The programme invites artists to create work linked to the search for the universe's smallest component parts. A number of the internationally recognised artists in Entangle have participated in the CERN programme and some of the works have been created especially for the Bildmuseet exhibition.

The participating artists include Julius von Bismarck (Germany), Julian Charrière (Switzerland), Sou Fujimoto (Japan), Iris van Herpen (Netherlands), Ryoji Ikeda (Japan, France), William Kentridge (South Africa), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (Canada), Goshka Macuga (Poland, UK), Davide Quayola (Italy, UK), Solveig Settemsdal (Norway, UK), Sarah Sze (US),  Keith Tyson (UK), Jorinde Voigt (Germany) and Carey Young (US, UK).

Entangle  / Physics and the Artistic Imagination is produced by Bildmuseet, Umeå University. The exhibition is accompanied by an audio cloud which allows visitors to listen to the words of physicists alongside those of some of the artists in the exhibition, which show their different as well as connected ways of seeing our universe.

An exhibition catalogue will be published during Spring 2019 (Hatje-Kantz), including texts by the physicist and best-selling author Carlo Rovelli, the art historian Gavin Parkinson, popular science writer Philip Ball, scientists, participating artists and curator Ariane Koek.