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Joseph Kosuth: Ni apparence ni illusion (Neither Appearance nor Illusion)

Sean Kelly Gallery is delighted to announce that the Musée du Louvre, Paris, France, has invited Joseph Kosuth to present a major neon installation in the museum beginning October 22, 2009.

Kosuth is the second contemporary artist to be commissioned to create a major new body of work, following Anselm Kiefer's project. Kosuth's work for the Louvre was written about by Carol Vogel in the New York Times article entitled "On a Mission to Loosen the Louvre" published on October 11, 2009:

Along a 12th century sandstone passage, on the old walls of the ramparts of the medieval Louvre fortress, Kosuth will suspend 15 sentences in delicate white neon cursive writing, which invite the viewer to ponder the relationship between the museum space, archeology, history and the viewer's own subjectivity.

The installation will be on view until June 21, 2010.

For further information, please contact Maureen Bray at or visit the Louvre website at