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Joseph Kosuth in De L'Air

A breath of art! A breath of fresh air!

In a dystopian period, all locked between four walls, a simple desire to make an exhibition was born.

The idea? Bringing together close artists, friends, valued colleagues, from different generations and origins, on five continents, all recognized for their singular individual practice... but with a vision, a common point of view.

The exhibition questions Art, its presentation, its meaning , the interaction between the exhibited works and the architecture of the place… The perception of the viewer is also reassessed. Is he visitor, spectator or voyeur?

All are gathered in an incredible place, the old Clacquesin alcohol factories. Factories subsequently invested by Jetlagk, a production and manufacturing company for works of art, but also by the artist Malachi Farrell who set up his studio 20 years ago. Today comes the time of System D.