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Jose Dávila in Territorio Estable

Territorio Estable addresses the Bank of Mexico's goal of promoting the healthy development of the financial system and promotes its knowledge to detect and manage the risks and vulnerabilities that may affect it, with the aim of having a solid and resilient system.

The factors that affect financial stability are addressed, including: risk, shock, integration, inclusion, among others; with the aim of bringing the public closer to the work carried out by the Bank of Mexico to maintain a stable financial system, through risk analyses that address various topics that affect people's daily lives.

The curatorial proposal draws an analogy between the natural ecosystem and the financial system, through a narrative that invites the public to explore a landscape that is constructed through the dialogue between the curatorial narrative and the contemporary works of art that make up the exhibition. In this way, Territorio Estable invites us to recognize the environment and the challenges it presents, to integrate its inclemencies into the cartography we possess, and thus better understand the territory that we will continue to explore.