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Johan Grimonprez in Double Take: Johan Grimonprez

In provocative and groundbreaking film essays and video installations artist and filmmaker Johan Grimonprez explores the evasive effects of media illusion on historical memory. Grimonprez is best known for his films Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y (1997), a critically-acclaimed examination of representations of airplane hijackings, Double Take (2009), a poetic interpretation of Cold War politics told through Alfred Hitchcock's eyes, and Shadow World (2017) an exposé of the weapons-trade deals. Using a combination of found footage and scripted fictional scenarios, Grimonprez invokes the "double take," that uncanny feeling that one has missed something the first time around and needs to look again. Can the "double take" invite the spectator to negotiate the difference between fact and fiction in our ever more mediated political arena?