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Iran do Espírito Santo in Construções Sensíveis: A experiência Geométrica Latino-Americano na coleção Ella Fontanals-Cisneros.

Iran do Espírito Santo
Restless 16, 2002
Bitumen on sandblasted glass
200 x 111.1 x 13 cm

The exhibition Construções Sensívei at the Galeria de Arte do Sesi, in São Paulo, was built from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection by curators Rodolfo de Athayde and Ania Rodríguez. It will exhibit 124 works, from 63 authors, from seven Latin American countries, in a variety of media: painting, drawing or works on paper, sculptures, objects, photographs and videos. 

"The exhibition brings to Brazil a cut of abstraction in our continent. Among the important legacy of Brazilian concretism and neoconcretism, the abstract poetics that have flourished in other countries since the 1930s are presented," explains Ania. And many of them influenced and were influenced by Latin Americans who found in Paris or New York, common points of contact, exchange and information.

This rare opportunity to know, in a single event, so many authors and works was only possible because Ella Fontanals-Cisneros built, from 1970, a collection of geometric and concrete abstract art, which already has more than 2,600 works. With the installation in 2002 of the Cisneros-Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO, The Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation) conditions were created to support Latin American artists, both in their productions and in the production of exhibitions and promotion of art and culture.

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