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The São Paulo Pinacoteca is pleased to announce the exhibition A Máquina do Mundo, to be presented on the first floor of Pina_Luz, the museum's headquarters, between November 6, 2021 and February 21, 2022.

The idea of the exhibition is to examine some of the various ways in which industrial activity crosses the thought of art made in Brazil from the 20th century onwards. The exhibition should bring together around 200 works, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos, drawings and poems, which in different ways are related to industrialization in Brazil - with architecture and factory machinery, with the working conditions of workers , with the mass and large-scale production of consumer goods, with the incorporation of materials and industrial processes in the realization of the work of art, so on.

The selection includes, for example, works by Tarsila do Amaral, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Patricia Galvão, Hans Gunther Flieg, Geraldo de Barros, Abraham Palatnik, Waldemar Cordeiro, Lygia Clark, Lygia Clark, Wlademir Dias-Pino, José Resende, Waltercio Caldas , Cildo Meireles, Raymundo Colares, Lotus Lobo, Iole de Freitas, Guto Lacaz, Leda Catunda, Iran do Espírito Santo, Marcelo Cipis, among many others.

The exhibition's title is inspired by the topus of the literature of a "machine" that would articulate things and events in the world and which appears in texts by Dante Alighieri, Luís de Camões, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Haroldo de Campos. With this, the exhibition intends to take art itself as a machine for the interpretation and production of images, objects and meanings about the world and how it "works".