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Callum Innes: The High School Yards Steps

Callum Innes: The High School Yards Step
Public Installation, Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh’s High School Yards steps have been reopened to the public after 12 years of closure and are now the focus of an installation by Edinburgh artist Callum Innes.

The historic steps, which link the Cowgate and High School Yards, were closed in 2003 after reports of anti-social behaviour. Their restoration is the result of an 18 month partnership project to revive the route between the City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh World Heritage (external link) and The University of Edinburgh (external link).

As well as significant conservation work, including the renewal of railings and the addition of gates to close the stairs off at night, the refurbished steps will feature a bespoke installation by Callum Innes.

Aiming to reclaim the area as a public space, the artwork features an infrared camera which captures the movement of people as they climb the steps, projecting their silhouettes onto a large LED mesh screen above them, revealing a hidden section of the stairs.

Short clips of silhouetted movement, created by Innes in collaboration with young adults from the nearby Panmure St Ann’s Centre and artists Catherine Payton and Tom Nolan, also play on a loop when the stairs are empty.

Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, who helped open the steps, said: “The incredible transformation of High School Yards steps is testament to the partnership working by all those involved in this project, including members of the local community. For more information, please visit