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Callum Innes Sean Kelly Gallery

Callum Innes

Explosed Painting Byzantine Blue, 2017

Oil on linen

180 x 175 cm

Abstraction is considered as one of the significant formal articulations of modern art, and it is most closely associated with painting.

Featuring some sixty different art positions, the exhibition Abstract Painting Now! will place the focus on the present-day international situation of the nonrepresentational easel painting, covering the full range of a still significant painterly practice. The historical basis of the show is the development that followed upon Abstract Expressionism, carried above all by Gerhard Richter and Sigmar Polke. While the former after a period of agony, in which his grey “Inpaintings” were created, turned to the beautiful and seemingly expressive, the latter used abstraction as an ironic paraphrase, thus commenting on the veracity of the brush stroke as a mark of the artist self.

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