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Sean Kelly Anthony McCall

Anthony McCall
Between You and I, 2006
Computer, QuickTime movie file, two video projectors, two haze machines
32-minute 54-second cycle
Edition 1 of 3 + 1 A.P.
Collection of the artist
Courtesy Hall Art Foundation
Photo: Hugo Glendinning (Peer/The Round Chapel, London, 2006)
© Anthony McCall

The Hall Art Foundation is pleased to announce a group exhibition, The Truth of Uncertainty: Moving Image Works from the Hall Collection, curated by Chrissie Iles, to be held at its Schloss Derneburg location. This exhibition brings together approximately thirty moving image works by twenty artists drawn from the Hall and Hall Art Foundation collections that call into question the relationship between truth and fiction at a moment in which doubt has come to determine the contours of what constitutes the real.

Comprised of video, painting, works on paper, photography and installation, the works on view articulate this uncertainty in different ways: fictionalizing the language of the documentary; questioning the efficacy of surface and material; expressing ways in which trauma is processed by the unconscious, through dream or trancelike states; challenging the limits of borders and national identity; and exploring the ways in which cinema constructs fiction and subjectivity through a suspension of disbelief.

Works by Anthony McCall and Owen Land set up an interaction with the viewer by focusing on our perception of the works, rather than on an emotional identification with them. The title of Owen Land’s ‘Film in Which There Appear Edge Lettering, Sprocket Holes, Dirt Particles, Etc.’ (1965-66) describes exactly what we see – technical details of the film’s materiality that are normally invisible to the viewer. Land presents us with the equivalent of the back of a canvas, denying us the cinematic absorption we seek, and replacing it with an awareness of the process of our own looking.


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