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Anthony McCall: Crossing the Elbe

To mark the opening of Internationale Bauausstellung IBA in Hamburg's presentation year, Anthony McCall will realize a light project for Hamburg Deichtorhallen, which will begin on March 22, 2013. The project reimagines the Leap across the Elbe in visual terms. Three searchlights will project slender beams of white light towards one another from three different locations -- from the roof of the Spiegel building next to Deichtorhallen in the HafenCity, from the bunker in Wilhelmsburg, and from the Falckenberg Collection in Hamburg-Harburg, thus linking the Elbe island with both the north and the south banks of the river. Over the year, these three horizontal beams of light will progressively rotate their angles of direction so that, one by one, all sections of the city will become part of this symbolic leap.

Starting ninety minutes after sunset, Crossing the Elbe will be visible for 10-minutes every evening in most parts of the sky between Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Falckenburg Collection in Harburg. As described by Anthony McCall: "Our habits as we work and live, stay pretty constant in clocktime. So there is a possibilty of people intersecting with the work in different times of their life habits. I like the idea that you'll see it late at night a certain time of the year, another time you might see it early. And all these are legitimate ways of looking at something that is just above our heads."

The project is a collaboration between Deichtorhallen Hamburg and IBA. It was realized by Tim Hupe Architects and supported by State Agency for Immovable Property and Real Estate Management and SPIEGEL publishers.

For more information, please visit the Deichtorhallen Hamburg website.