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Alec Soth Sean Kelly Gallery

Rebecca, 2005
Chromogenic print
121 9/10 × 147 3/10 in
309.6 × 374.1 cm
© Alec Soth

The Grain of the Present, Pier 24 Photography’s ninth exhibition, examines the work of photographers at the core of the Pilara Foundation collection—Robert Adams, Diane Arbus, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Lee Friedlander, Nicholas Nixon, Stephen Shore, Alec Soth, Henry Wessel, and Garry Winogrand—whose works share a commitment to looking at everyday life as it is. Each of these figures defined a distinctive visual language that combines formal concerns with a documentary aesthetic, and all of them participated in one of two landmark exhibitions: New Documents(1967) at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, or New Topographics (1975) at the International Museum of Photography, George Eastman House, Rochester.

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