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'A Monument of Mines', an Installation by Joseph Kosuth

'A Monument of Mines', an Installation by Joseph Kosuth
Krona Center for Culture and Knowledge, Kongsberg, Norway
Public Unveiling: November 20, 2015

Sean Kelly is delighted to announce the public unveiling of 'A Monument of Mines,' a permanent, site-specific installation by Joseph Kosuth. 'A Monument of Mines' connects the modern architecture of the new Krona Cultural and Knowledge Center in Kongsberg, Norway, with the city's unique history as the country's capital of silver mining. Kosuth's installation, strategically positioned on the walls throughout the building's public atrium, is comprised of 136 neon elements featuring the names of all the silver mines that once operated in Kongsberg, as well as the year each closed, in a tribute to the history of the mining community. The new center houses three schools, two concert halls, three movie theaters, public libraries, academic libraries, a cafe and offices, and is expected to receive over a thousand visitors each day.

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