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Marina Abramović in ? War is over ART AND CONFLICTS between myth and contemporaneity

From the 6th of October to the 13th of January 2019, the Municipality of Ravenna - Department of Culture and the Museum of Art of the city of Ravenna present the exhibition ? War is over ART AND CONFLICTS between myth and contemporaneity by Angela Tecce,  and Maurizio Tarantino .

The exhibition is ideally linked to the centenary of the conclusion of the First World War, proposing a path that, through the art of two centuries, reflects on conflicts not purely historical but in a more extensive, artistic and poetic, personal and collective, aesthetics and ethics. It is not a matter of a historical-documentary exhibition but of an itinerary that suggests and witnesses multiple readings on the war: one (and not the only one) among the possible outcomes towards which the anthropological necessity of the relationship between different people pushes; the most cruel and destructive, but also the most powerful creator of mythologies.

Art has always been measured with the theme of conflict - or it has been conditioned - not only through its representation but, often, also through rejection, repression, introjection. The works chosen for the exhibition intend to illustrate, with different media, the tension that has always existed between individual creativity and the urgency of measuring oneself with such a pervasive and omnipresent theme to the more vigilant consciences.

The set-up makes use of Studio Azzurro installations, which represent an ideal trait-d'union between the various themes dealt with and contribute to making the exhibition itinerary more fascinating and articulated through works and images of great visual and evocative impact: from the funeral monument of Guidarello Guidarelli , symbol of the MAR collections, to Picasso and Rubens , up to artists, among which Abramovic, Beuys, Boetti, Burri, Christo, De Chirico, Fabre, Kiefer, Kentridge stand out, just to name a few , Kounellis, Rauschenberg, Warhol .

In view of the enhancement of the permanent collections, the exhibition's exhibition also includes works from the Mar's heritage.