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Laurent Grasso: Disasters and Miracles

The Kunsthaus Baselland in Muttenz/Basel, Switzerland will present a solo exhibition by Laurent Grasso. The exhibition, titled Disasters and Miracles, was conceived specifically for the Kunsthaus Baselland; many of the works included draw on historic disasters and miracles from the region, expanding on the artist's interest in the weight of history and memory that particular places can exert. It will be on view from April 20 through June 30, 2013.

Laurent Grasso's work constructs complex narratives based on scientific observations, astronomy, primal human fears, superstitions, science fiction and mythologies. Using a wide range of media, Grasso manipulates temporalities and introduces historical documents—often in the form of paintings—which claim to have served as the inspiration for works in different media more often associated with contemporary art, like video or neon. Key events addressed in the works for this exhibition are the Basel earthquake of 1356, the Naples earthquake of 1456 and a tsunami at Lake Lucerne in 1601. Juxtaposed with these natural catastrophes is a work that refers to the 1917 miracle at Fatima, Portugal, the most well-known apparition of the Virgin Mary; the varied events depicted and their intricate connotations highlight Grasso's interest in the "ghosts" of a place and the psychological presence and weight of history.

Through the carefully considered exhibition design, the works are presented as a journey through time in which the viewer can explore the impact of miracles, disasters and mystical traditions as well as the effects of superstition and delusion. As Sabine Schaschl, Director and Curator of the Kunsthaus Baselland, suggests: "Grasso leads us to the limits of reality and fiction, faith and knowledge. We dive into a maze and leave it surely different than we were when we entered it."

For more information on the exhibition, please visit the Kunsthaus Baselland's website.

Disasters and Miracles will be on view during the Art Basel fair in June of this year. Grasso's critically acclaimed exhibition Uraniborg, is currently on view at the MACM, Montreal through April 28. Grasso also will participate in Encounters, a program presenting large-scale sculptures and installations, at Art Basel Hong Kong from May 23 through 26.

IMAGE: Laurent Grasso, Tsunami in Lucerne, 1601