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Julian Charriére: Calls for Action

Julian Charrière will transform Basel’s historical department store Globus, currently under renovation, with a boundary pushing artwork that aims to connect visitors across vast distances, bridging mountainous Switzerland with a Western Andean Cloud Forest in Ecuador. Featuring a
large screen suspended on the department store façade, the project acts as a real-time window into the rich biodiversity of an endangered ecoregion.

Calls for Action is the second iteration of the “Globus Public Art Project”. During the three-year renovation of its iconic department store on Basel’s market square, Globus is collaborating with the Fondation Beyeler on inviting artists to conceive and realize new site-specific works of art that engage with the building and the public.


For all press inquiries, please contact Adair Lentini at

For all inquiries, please contact the gallery at


Image: Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024, Behind the scenes in Western Andean Cloud Forest, Ecuador Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany Photographer: Alcuin Stevenson