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Joseph Kosuth in Ovidio. Amori, miti e altre storie

Among the authors of Latinity, Publio Ovidio Nasone is certainly one of the most loved; his verses, which speak of love, of myths or of the stories of the gods, always give everyone the image of a living and culturally dynamic world. But what do writing and image have in common? How to emphasize the importance of words through the works? How to tell the importance in the western history of a poet like Ovid through other arts, other artists, other forms?

These are the questions to which the exhibition of the Scuderie del Quirinale aims to respond in a simple and rigorous, engaging and surprising way along a thematic path that addresses the life of Ovid and the influence of his literary work both on his age and on the West reaching to the present day. 

Over 200 works including frescoes and ancient sculptures, precious medieval manuscripts and paintings of modern age will accompany the story of the poet's life and the themes at the center of his writings: love, seduction, the relationship with power and myth. 

The exhibition, curated by Francesca Ghedini, will be the occasion, in the foothold of the Ovidian bimillenary, to present the characteristics of the Roman society of the early imperial age, reconstructed through the filter of the poetry of Ovid that over time has helped to outline the contours of Western culture. 

Inside the exhibit halls of the Scuderie, different itineraries will unfold between works, words and laboratory experiences; in the city a rich program of meetings, readings and insights will allow us to discover and rediscover the complexity of the Ovidian universe.