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Joseph Kosuth Sean Kelly Gallery

Joseph Kosuth
'276 (On Color Blue)', 1993
Neon tubing, transformer and electrical wires
30 x 162 in. (76.2 x 411.48 cm)
Brooklyn Museum; Mary Smith Dorward Fund, 1992.215

The works of art in Infinite Blue feature blue in all its variety—a fascinating strand of visual poetry running from ancient times to the present day. In cultures dating back thousands of years, blue—the color of the skies—has often been associated with the spiritual but also signifies power, status, and beauty. The spiritual and material aspects of blue combine to tell us stories about global history, cultural values, technological innovation, and international commerce.

This cross-departmental survey includes objects from our holdings of Asian, African, Egyptian, American, Native American, and European art, among them paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, the decorative arts, illuminated manuscripts, printed books, and contemporary art.

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