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Idris Khan Sean Kelly Gallery

Idris Khan
Copyright the artist

Idris Khan draws inspiration from the history of art, music, philosophy and theology, laying and manipulating images and text in a conversation around memory, experience and society. Focusing on the mediums of painting, drawing and photography, this exhibition will present several of the artists recent seminal works including Eternal Movement (2012), a photograph inspired by part of the Hajj where devotees walk back and forth seven times between two mountains near Mecca; The Rite of Spring (2013), created from layering photographs together of the entire score of Stravinsky’s controversial masterpiece; Beginning or End (2013), a meditation on Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy and the cyclical nature of life and existence, created using black gesso and ink; and Death of Painting (2014), a series of five oil works on paper. Inspired by Kasimir Malevich's iconic and influential black square painting, Khan composed his own very different black square paintings by writing a text with thick oil sticks over and over again on paper. The artist will also create a new monumental wall drawing within the gallery space.

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