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Candida Höfer in Prettier from Earth: The collections of the MGKSiegen

The new presentation of the museum’s collection, “Von Erde schöner” (Prettier from Earth), continues the dialogue between the Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection and the Contemporary Art Collection at MGKSiegen which began last year. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from Peter Piller’s photo series of the same name. The winner of the Rubens Promotional Award (2004) has developed his own fields of collection from a firm’s estate comprising 20,000 aerial photographs of German single-family homes.

In a similar way, “Von Erde schöner” seeks connecting threads within our own collection, so highlighting a special interest in spatial themes. The relations between natural and artificial landscapes, the relationships between people, architecture and places, and the construction of pictorial space play a role, as well as questions of distance, proximity and our personal perceptions of space. “Von Erde schöner” undertakes a cartography of the museum’s own collection.