It is the desire to capture light from the waves of water that we could trace the origin of Impressionism – and we will also be amused that it was in a photographer ( whose activity consists of revealing light on a flat surface) that the first impressionist exhibition was organized.
Light, therefore, as a primary resource that opens up new perspectives: painting, photography, soon cinema and then what we will call the plastic arts. The genealogy is known. We could defend ourselves against it, we have defended ourselves against it, nonetheless: persistence still exists. From then on, it is easy to create a tight line between the works of the impressionists and those, more contemporary, which with new processes, new media, new materials other than canvas and paint, go ahead, could we say, light. This exhibition aims to experience, physically, this vivid sensation caused by light through five works scattered between the walls of the art center, thus leaving all possible ease for a physical encounter with them – an experience of interior light.