Portrait with Golden Mask, 2009
framed fine art pigment print
print: 50 x 50 inches (127 x 127 cm)
framed: 52 x 52 inches (132.1 x 132.1 cm)
Booth D24
Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China
Collector Preview: September 19, 2019
VIP Preview: September 20, 2019
Public days: September 21-22, 2019
For our inaugural presentation at PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai, Sean Kelly is pleased to present a carefully curated booth drawn from our internationally acclaimed roster of artists, each of the artists featured works with photography in non-traditional ways. Our presentation includes works by Marina Abramović, who is represented by a stunning self-portrait depicting the artist’s face covered in gold leaf; Julian Charrière, whose images of nuclear test sites have been exposed to radioactive soil gathered from the locations where his images were taken; Jose Dávila, who appropriates images of artworks, which he then physically alters by cutting out and removing the focal point of the image; Mariko Mori, who creates computer generated photo paintings based on drawings she made of the ocean on Okinawa Island; Alec Soth, whose captivating multi-layered photograph of Monika is in fact a double exposed image; and Wu Chi-Tsung, whose manipulates light sensitive cyanotype paper to create images that incorporate traditional Chinese art but are in fact contemporary abstract works.
藏家預展:2019年9月 19日
貴賓預展:2019年9月 20日
公眾參觀:2019年9月 21 – 22日
Sean Kelly 畫廊為上海影像藝術博覽會的首次亮相帶來精心策劃的展位,精選畫廊旗下國際知名藝術家們先鋒性的攝影創作。其中包括瑪莉那・阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramović)一件令人驚嘆的藝術家肖像代表作,細膩展現其由金箔覆蓋的臉龐;朱利安・夏利耶(Julian Charrière)關於核子試驗場的作品,使用採集自其拍攝地點的放射性土壤進行曝光;何塞・達維拉(Jose Dávila)挪用著名藝術品的影像,透過物理性的剪切手法移除影像中的視覺重點;森萬里子(Mariko Mori)以電腦運算製作的攝影繪畫作品,源自於她在沖繩時看著大海所繪製的無數畫作;艾力克・索斯(Alec Soth)充滿魅力的多層次照片《莫妮卡》實際上是雙重曝光的影像;吳季璁使用曝光後揉皺的感光氰版宣紙創造出融合傳統山水美學的當代抽象作品。
2019 Spotlight Section: Marina Abramović
Featured this year is Marina Abramović’s legendary Chinese series The Lovers, 1988. A defining moment in the history of performance art, this will be the first opportunity for audiences in Mainland China to view the final collaborative work that Abramović made with her former partner Ulay.
2019年『焦點』板塊聚焦於瑪莉那・阿布拉莫維奇的傳奇中國作品《情人.長城》(The Lovers, 1988)。作為行為藝術史上的「決定性時刻」,這是首次在中國內地展出由阿布拉莫維奇與其前搭檔烏雷(Ulay)的最後合作。
Conversations: Wu Chi-Tsung
Collectors Exhibition | Taking the Leap
Saturday, September 21, 5-6pm
Ying Kwok will lead a discussion about the development of a collection, the influence of New Media and taking risks. He will be in conversation with with Lindsay Taylor (Curator, University of Salford Art Collection) and Sarah Fisher (director, Open Eye Liverpool) and artists Wu Chi-Tsung and Lu Yang.
由獨立策展人郭瑛主持關於收藏的發展中新媒體藝術的崛起及風險。與談人有Lindsay Taylor(索爾福德大學策展人)、Sarah Fisher(利物浦Open Eye Liverpool畫廊總監)、吳季璁(藝術家)、陸揚(藝術家)
For more information on the artists and works presented at the fair please visit skny.com
For all inquiries, please contact the gallery at 212.239.1181 or info@skny.com
更多關於展出藝術家及作品的相關資訊請參觀我們的網站 skny.com
有任何需求請聯繫畫廊 +1 212 239 1181 或電郵 info@skny.com